Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Apple Crisp

Christmas is in full swing in my household. The fall decorations are still up and i have no intention of skipping thanksgiving but when your a part of a family of twenty plus (including extended) you have to plan ahead or it doesn't get done. So here it is, the middle of November and i am starting my Christmas preparations. This year i decided to give "making Christmas" (as my mother calls it) a try and do a bunch of crafty things as gifts. I have to say it is much more fun, though could quickly turn into a nightmare if i don't stay on top of it.
So in the short breaks between these fury's of crafting i get in some baking. One of these breaks i decided to make Apple Crisp; one of my personal favorite fall desserts. I found this recipe while searching the links for the Holiday Sweet Swap. It was simple and looked delicious so i gave it a try, with a few modifications to make it "healthy." It was quite yummy, though next time i make it i will be taking my hubby's suggestion and adding a pinch of salt to cut down on the super sweet flavor. Plus salt just seems to bring out the best flavor in every dish.

Apple Crisp
Adapted From Megs everyday indulgence 

6-8 Apples, Peeled, cored and sliced thinly (your choice of apple)
1/8 C. Granulated Sugar
1/2 Tsp  Cinnamon
1 C. All-purpose flour
1/2 C. Whole wheat flour
1 1/4 C. Brown sugar
1 C. Butter, softened
2 C. Oats

prep apples. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and place apples into 9 x 13 pan. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and sprinkle over apples, set aside. Mix together flours, brown sugar, oats, and softened butter until dough forms a crumb like texture, (i used a pastry blender but you can probably do this in a mixer). Sprinkle crumbles over apples and bake for 40-60 minutes, depending on how your oven cooks (mine only took 45 minutes). The Crisp should be golden brown and bubbly. Let cool for a few minutes and serve warm with ice cream, or however you like it and Enjoy!!

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